Thursday, February 18, 2016



Fruscio d’eucalipti al vento
E bianco ondeggiare d’oceano
Non trovo parole
E del resto non serve
Provare a spiegar l’Inspiegabile

Ma brani di vita darei
E nuvole, e giochi
E una pezza di sogno
Per tergere quelle tue lacrime
Potessi, mia amata, portarti sollievo

Stremato lui torna alla fine del viaggio
A quel caldo vento d’estate
Al bianco spumare dell’onda
Al flusso infinito a cui sempre,
da sempre e per sempre appartiene

Ritorna per un’altra prova
Per prendersi un’altra rivincita
Sgravato da pesi remoti
E dunque con passo più svelto
Per giungere prima alla Mèta                                                                                                          

D. Sidari - 12 novembre 2011


Mocambo Jam is the Sydney-based trio of musicians, influenced by legendary Italian songwriters of their early years.
Italian crooner and fiction writer, Danilo Sidari,developed his musical interest between the progressive rock of British bands and the Italian singer-songwriters, some daring to speak against the establishment, courageously giving voice to the powerless through their lyrics.
Mauro Colombis a classical trained pianist has performed in Europe and Australia, accompanying major Italian film festivals and silent films worldwide.
Carlo Grana, a self-taught guitarist, playing the music of Italian cantautori (singer-songwriters). Having played with a variety of acoustic and folk bands, with Mocambo Jam he take pleasure of re-discovering the music of his adoloscence.